Njoy… make yourself a memory!

Da, stiu, ultimul meu post a fost un fel de car crash. Can’t help it. Sau mai bine zis nu vreau. Asta-i one of the mail reasons of my blog. Spun orice, oricand, oricum. E un fel de refulare. Dar nu trebuie sa-ti explic tie asta.
Sunt putin obosita, dar nu destul incat sa nu scriu.
Astazi la work  – 2 customers: squash playing/baieti de pension/posh clothes&exprimare. Au vrut sa fie draguti. They politely introduced themselves, mi-au povestit de their high jobs in big ass companies owned by their parents. Dupa ce au primit o micuta lectie in sales de la “fata de la garderoba”, m-au intrebat ce studiez. Reactia lor: you are crazy enough to be fucking kick ass at your future job!
In the past two days Londra a beneficiat de o vizita papala. Se pare ca British people didn’t really look forward to it. Dupa articolele din ziare si manifestatiile de astazi cred ca asta-i cea mai neprimitoare tara din punctul asta de vedere. Bine… si declaratiile papale par facute de ceva corporate dude; but then again, nu am apucat sa hear anything live.
London fashion week – multe materiale si mai mult materialism; new stuff: + sizes
Londra probabil e the dirtiest and ugliest duminica dimineata. And it is only emphasized by the fact that I pretty much finish my last shift of the week around that time. Piccadilly Circus, Regent Street, Oxford Street – full of drunk people most of whom feel sick, girls barely dressed walking barefoot no matter how cold it is outside, fights, crowds, way too many cars going very slow, trash allover the pavement and everything too noisy. I may sound like someone who’s supposed to be retired by now… I know. Anyway, this city never sleeps. And it never stops singing. And when I’m not tired I really love it. I like meeting so many people of such different backgrounds. I like speaking about 7 languages at work every night. I like being part of huge shows and album releases, meeting BBC reporters, music producers, famous bands, and most of all people working hard in small time jobs. Money sometimes overcome dreams and passion in a big city; if you fancy the first you can either reach the top or get severely crushed on the way. If you care about the second, you can see your dreams painted in so many colours.
Wherever you are, whatever you do, however you do it, remember that it’s all about you. Never forget words such as confidence, strength, ambition, values and try your best. No matter what. Because you’re never alone. Because you’ll get where you’re supposed to get. And never forget your true self.

P.S.: Find somebody who loves you, not only someone you love.

P.P.S.: hugs and blue skies to all my readers!

~ by Joyce Hart on September 19, 2010.

One Response to “Njoy… make yourself a memory!”

  1. rock on, beibi!

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